Every night, families are at risk
of mosquitoes carrying malaria

Help us protect them.

A message from FlexScreen inventor and CEO, Joe Altieri

00 Joe smile

When I started FlexScreen, I had several goals in mind. One was to create an innovative window screen design that would solve all of the problems with old-style aluminum screens. Another more important goal was to get to a place where the company would be thriving and healthy enough to give back and make a significant difference in the world.

I'm very grateful that we've been fortunate enough to get to that place, and I'm excited to be working on launching our new company initiative in the coming months called "Screens Save Lives."

When I learned the devastating statistics about malaria - 219 million new cases in 2019 alone, 435,000 deaths, 75% of them children under the age of 5 - it was simply unacceptable to me.

Through Screens Save Lives, we'll work with partner organizations in Africa to distribute insecticide-coated mosquito nets to families in at-risk communities. A portion of our proceeds will go to helping protect the most vulnerable from this deadly but entirely preventable disease.

I'm excited about this new opportunity. As FlexScreen continues to grow, so will our impact in the world, and I believe we'll help save many lives.

Joe Signature White


Our goal is to stop this.

By partnering with organizations based in Africa, we'll help distribute insecticide-coated mosquito nets to families in at-risk communities. A portion of our proceeds will be donated to help stop the spread of this preventable disease.

Insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) reduce the death of children under 5 years by 20%



Be notified and receive more information when Screens Save Lives officially launches.